Code of Conduct

The Longwood Soccer Club abides by a strict Code of Conduct governing all coaches, players, officials, parents, family members and guests. The purpose of the Code is to ensure that the Longwood Soccer Club participants treat each other with dignity and respect.

Every member of Longwood Soccer Club shall respect the Code of Conduct. Registration with Longwood Soccer Club programs constitutes an agreement to follow these standards. A board member, manager, coach, parent, player or other individuals affiliated with the team shall not violate any of the following:

  1. Any conduct, including abusive language and/or gestures, racially insensitive remarks, damage to property or belongings, or any other conduct that reflects poorly on yourself or the Longwood Soccer Club and is deemed to be unacceptable, will not be tolerated.  This rule applies to all players, parents, siblings and guests at all times when in or around games or practices as a member of the program.


  1. During a tournament or game when you are away, you represent LYSA and the Longwood Soccer Club. Any conduct such as destruction of property, consumption of drugs or alcohol, or any other improper activity or behavior will not be tolerated.  This rule applies for the entire time when away for a game or tournament.


  1. The Board of the Longwood Soccer Club will deal with unacceptable conduct at its sole discretion, imposing warnings, suspension, or expulsion, as it deems appropriate.


24 Hour Rule

If parents have issues with a coach, they should discuss the issues with the coach or Program Coordinator, after observing the 24-hour waiting period.  Please remember that many of our coaches are volunteers. Please respect their time and dedication to creating a fun, learning experience for all of our players.


Parents (Family members and guests of)

  1. Teach and practice good sportsmanship at all games and practices.  You are role models!
  2. Do not argue the rules of the game for the sport.
  3. Respect the coaches. They are volunteers, when others did not. They are there to create a fun and educational experience, not win at all costs.
  4. Respect the Referees. Our In-House Intramural program has Referees who are learning and are minors, please treat them with consideration, compassion and respect!
  5. While the child is practicing or playing in a game do not coach your child.  Let players play and coaches coach, and support both positively.
  6. Do not EVER criticize other players regardless of the circumstance.
  7. Follow the “24 Hour Rule”; if you have a complaint resulting from a game (or practice) situation, speak with the coach on the following day.
  8. If there is a serious problem, notify the Head Coach or Director of the sports program.  If you are not satisfied of the resolution, contact the Executive Director or a Board Member of Longwood Soccer Club.
  9. Emphasize the FUN of the game and the team, putting forth effort at all times, not wins and losses.



  1. Respect your teammates, coaches, referees and opponents at all times.
  2. Give 100% effort at each practice and game.
  3. Know the rules of the game of the sport you are in and abide by them.
  4. Support and encourage your teammates.  Set a positive example.
  5. Wear the required equipment at all games and practices, and keep your equipment well maintained.
  6. Display good sportsmanship at all times on and off the field.
  7. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, that is part of learning.
  8. Learn from your coaches; practice hard; play smart; Have Fun!
  9. Be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.



  1. A coach is a role model, who must act with the highest moral character possible.
  2. Coaches must reinforce the self-image of each player.  A coach must be positive and constructive.
  3. Respect the sport you are coaching.
  4. Respect the Referees. Our In-House Intramural program has Referees who are learning and are minors, please treat them with consideration, compassion and respect!
  5. Teach the rules of the sport program.  Abide by those rules in practices and games.
  6. Establish objectives for the team and players and inform them of team and individual goals.
  7. Teach and practice good sportsmanship at all games and practices.
  8. Be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.